Are You Fiscally Ready for OASIS+

I was curious about the dollar threshold for contracts awarded to small businesses under the OASIS vehicle. I did the research using GovTribe. Here’s what I found: 314 small business task orders with a potential value under $500K 618 small business task orders between $500K – $2M 1.2K~ small business task orders between $2M – […]

All About Past Performance

TIME – There are not enough hours in the day for a business to complete all the tasks on the To-Do list. Research, reporting and recording are placed in the “when there’s time” bucket. As a business grows, the “when there’s time” bucket grows to become an arduous task that is put aside due to […]

Lessons Learned for JVs on OASIS+

Your Joint Venture is on the GSA OASIS+ apparent awardee list – Now what? Joint Ventures can be tricky to manage. Upper management see it as an opportunity to expand opportunities. Middle management may see it as a drain on resources already working at maximum capacity. Lessons learned first and second hand: Communication is Key. […]

Team to Win on OASIS+

Many that have been extraordinarily successful on GSA OASIS will tell you that strategic teaming was the cornerstone to success. For the first phase (years 1-5) of OASIS, there were very few contract holders in each pool. Capturing incumbents who did not have access as a prime was a winning strategy. Incumbents were often caught […]

Requests for Information on OASIS+

The dreaded RFI … a resource drain … a waste of time … not needed if you got to the left of the opportunity. I RESPECTFULLY disagree. Getting to the Rule of Two. Why do many large businesses ignore the RFI response and go straight to capture? Because they can. Small businesses must work harder […]

Standing Out on GSA OASIS+

Standing Out is GSA OASIS+ When I review the list of OASIS+ apparent awardees, I notice there are a lot of similarities in company names. I find it interesting that: 3 begin with “Advanced Systems” 4 begin with “Agile” 6 begin with “Integrity” 7 begin with “Applied” 9 begin with “Integrated’ 10 begin with “Strategic” […]

OASIS+ – Are you Cyber Ready?

Cyber Ready for GSA OASIS+ On August 15th the Pentagon published in the Federal Register the proposed amendment for #CMMC (DFARS Case 2019-D041). It’s to be a 3-year roll out where the clock is scheduled to begin ticking in summer 2025. DoD program managers have a large amount of discretion to include CMMC requirements in […]

Are You Ready for OASIS+

We are in Q4. According to GSA, we should see small businesses receive award notifications for OASIS+ as early as this week. I have been sharing tidbits for future vendors to the vehicle to catch up with seasoned contract holders. For a very limited number of businesses, I am offering a 90-day service for first-time […]

Get Ready for OASIS+ in 2024

As the anticipated OASIS+ contract awards approach in May 2024, it’s crucial to position yourself for success. Whether you’re new to the OASIS vehicle or a seasoned player, aligning your strategy is paramount. If you find these questions overwhelming, fear not – below are actionable steps to kickstart your OASIS+ Business Development (BD) strategy. Strategic […]

Research, Read, Report and Respond

This time of year, many companies are reviewing their business strategies, messaging and business development initiatives. Before those meetings take place, it’s important to carve out some time to read your target agencies’ strategic plans, budgets in brief and spending history. If you want your message to resonate with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, […]